Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time for Celebration

Today I spoke with my oncologist, Dr Dev Paul, who informed me that I definitely do NOT need chemotherapy as all the genetic tests on my tumors came back with very low numbers with respect to the chance of the cancer recurring at a later date. According to him, I have a 91% chance of being cancer free over the next 10 years. This is the best news I could have gotten!

I'm off to New York tomorrow morning to start work again and I'm really looking forward to a change of scenery. It's been 6 weeks since this journey began and I'm ready to get back into the "real world." I can't wait to see everyone in US Channels Marketing and re-engage with my partners. Yippee!

I wish every woman with this disease could have the same positive optimistic prognosis that I have. I must have a guardian angel out there looking over my shoulder.


  1. Ruth had it right -- cancer picked the wrong gal! Kudos!

  2. That is incredibly good news, Nancy! I'm so pleased and relieved.

  3. Nancy, this is such great news!!!! Just awesome! Looking forward to working with you when I return from maternity leave in late May! Laura Mealy

  4. We're all breathing a heavy sigh of relief - notice the elevated carbon dioxide levels? Congrats-this is huge. I'm also gonna be in NYC next week! Whoodathunkit?

  5. Great news Nancy - well done!
