Monday, November 8, 2010

Celebration Time

I'm off for a week in Kauai with my BFF Mary Lou - celebrating the end of this tumultuous year, just to get some R&R. Two weeks ago I had another followup with my oncologist and the coast is clear, no signs of cancer 8 months post-op!

I have another small procedure that needs to be addressed by Dr. Brown, the plastic surgeon, in a few weeks but it's just a minor outpatient surgery. Other than that, lookin' good and feeling even better!

Saturday evening I attended an event called "Pink Tie for the Cure" which was a fundraiser put on by Susan G. Komen Denver. More than 800 people turned out for the event, and I'm not sure how much money was raised in total, but it was substantial. I ran into my surgeon and radiologist there, and it was great for them to see me recovered!

Most importantly, I just scheduled my next mammogram for January 2011 - which was the eent that catapulted this whole turn of events almost a year ago. I asked them if I could get it half price because I only have one "real" breast but they just laughed at me.

Aloha for now . . .
