Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good News!

I heard from the radiologist that the tests from earlier this week all came back benign!!! I believe that all of your positive prayers and support are playing a big role in the positive outcome I am experiencing. More later but I wanted to share the great news as soon as possible. I'm going to celebrate tonight with my sons. Bring on the champagne!!

This means that the cancer is totally contained in the left breast and the right one is completely normal so the surgery and post-treatment will be that much easier.


  1. Hi Nancy!! So glad to hear the good news. Enjoy the champagne with your sons tonight! ;-)

  2. Hi Nancy! I am glad to hear the good news. I love your blog site! I will check in often. Sending you lots of good positive energy!

  3. Hi Nancy! I love your blog and have it bookmarked. So glad to hear the good news! You are in my thoughts and I'm sending you lots of positive vibes.

    Does my mammogram from 2 weeks ago count towards your goal of 100?

    Take care,

  4. Nancy,

    Love your blog! Great news about no tumors spreading. I will continue to pray for you and try and make it to Denver this spring once you've recovered from surgery.Glad you have such a good support network in place.

    Patty F.
