Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Day With the Medical Professionals

I spent most of today at the St. Joseph Breast Center, an amazing ecosystem with everything under one roof. Their goal is to make it easy for you to have access to the surgeon, radiologist, ultrasound and other diagnostic people in one facility so you don't have to go from one place to another hauling your records around. The staff here (see video) are so welcoming and kind that it makes the experience as pleasant as it can be considering the circumstances. The doctors are concerned about something on last week's MRI results, so tomorrow they plan to do another MRI combined with a special biopsy just to make sure all is ok with the right breast. My day ended with a 2 hour appointment with the oncologist at Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, who will recommend a course of treatment after the surgery, which will probably take place the week after next. I can't say enough about the people who work at the St. Joseph Breast Center.

Here's a brief synopsis of my day via Flip video! I really appreciate everyone's words of encouragement and I'm happy to report that 7 of my friends have scheduled their overdue mammograms as a direct result of this experience. My goal is to get 100 women to schedule their overdue mammograms so I now have only 93 to go!


  1. It's such a comfort to feel good about your caregivers and is so important as you go forward. Glad to hear you feel that way about St. Joe's. My friend Lisa was not familiar with the docs you mentioned, but did say you should feel free to call her (I'll email her no.) She's a 14-year survivor and still meets with her support group. She's very knowledgable and a true believer in the healing power and info exchange of a support group.

  2. Can't see the video Homey, but I do agree that there's nothing like having a good staff of care professionals to take care of you when going through this emotional ride. As you know, my Mom was also an early detector through mammogram and had a masectomy as well.......15 years ago and still cancer free!!! Early detection is the key and I'm telling all my friends to get their mammograms. Will pass along if there are procastinators to add to your list! :-)

  3. Video up and looking good! What a wonderful and loving place. Lots of love and positive energy coming your way!!!
