Monday, June 28, 2010

Training Update

It's been a few weeks since I've posted an update on how my training for the 60 mile walk is going. This past weekend I did a LONG hike - I think it was 8 mles or more but my trusty pedometer isn't working well. I'm averaging 3-4 miles a day, and am trying to step up my pace.

I did a beautiful, peaceful walk along the Potomac River while visiting my friend Liz in DC two weeks ago. So my progress is steady - the biggest issue I have is finding the time, so on weekends I try to take advantage of the situation. Don't you hate it when works gets in the way of real life?

Yesterday I went for a 20+ mile bike ride up in Ft. Collins. I was puffing and panting at the end but amazingly I'm not sore today. Thank you Dennis for making me do that!!

In Vegas for most of the week so I will have to hit the gym at the Westin since it's 108 degrees in the shade. You know what they say, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

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