Many of you know that I had total knee replacement on my right knee in December 2007. Lost in all the drama of my breast cancer this Spring is the GREAT NEWS that my knee is so strong now that I've been invited to participate in Colorado Joint Replacement's Annual 14'er hike! Every summer, a group of people at my orthopedic surgeon's office, including staff and selected patients, get together for a full day's hike to climb one of Colorado's mountain peaks with an altutude of 14,000 feet or more.
To explain the significance of this, prior to my knee reconstruction I could barely walk more than a city block without limping, and had to wear a brace when I walked my dogs. I had a severe case of bone-on-bone arthritis, with absolutely no cartilage remaining as a result of a skiing accident many years ago.
This has been on my "bucket list" for some time now, so I figured, what better time to train for this than now, and combine it with my 60 mile walk regimen?
So . . . in addition to signing up for the Susan G. Komen 60 mile walk, I'm taking on this additional challenge. Call me crazy, call me Rambo, but there's no stopping me now! Above is a photo taken from the summit of Mt. Sherman, which is the specific 14,000 foot mountain we're going to climb.
Once again, YEA YOU!!!!