Monday, May 10, 2010

The Best Mother's Day Ever

Yesterday was the most memorable Mother's Day I've had in years. Somehow this experience of having cancer has crystallized the joyous moments of my life and taught me to savor every experience and just live in the moment. It was so fantastic to be with my boys, but there was a bittersweet edge to the day as my own mother celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday. I spoke to my Mom briefly but as she's descending down the slippery slope of Alzheimer's I'm not really sure she actually knew it was me.

My mother instilled such a strong role model in me as she courageously raised three children after being widowed suddenly at age 44. It is her courage and tenacity that gives me the emotional and spiritual strength to face my personal challenges. She always taught me that life is unpredictable, and you need to have faith in God's plan when you're faced with obstacles that life throws your way. When my spirits are low, I think of how she faced tragedy with courage, grace and optimism, and that inspires me to carry on with a positive attitude.

Yesterday I focused on how much I have to celebrate this Mother's Day, as I'm blessed with good health after going through hell and back over the past few months! I spent the day with Andy and Will and the dogs in Boulder, starting with a 3 mile hike on one of my favorite trails. It was a glorious Spring day so we just took in the beauty of nature and reflected on all that's happened since the beginning of the year. Here are some photos from our hike, starting with Andy leading off at the trail head with George.

Pausing for a rest to take in the view.

Sadie and George enjoying the water .

Proud mom and her boys.

Self-portrait of "one crazy guy" Andy man

We ended the day with lunch at Lucile's, a favorite spot in Boulder. All in all a perfect day and I can't think of anything I would rather have done.

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