I'm honored to say that my friend Kathy Knorr in Chicago (former roommate from San Francisco days, boy does SHE have some stories to tell!) is establishing a team in my name to walk the Colorado event for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk for the Cure. It's taking place August 27-28-29, 2010 and basically involves a group of people walking 20 miles a day for 3 days to beat breast cancer. We will have a team logo (under development) and will walk in my name.
If anyone reading this blog wants to participate, I guarantee it will be a FANTASTIC time! So far the following people have committed to walking with me:
- Karen and Bill Martin
- Sandy Hargrave
- Kathy Knorr
- . . . and of course myself!
It's a gorgeous Spring day with birds chirping, sunshine and 80 degree temperature in Colorado. I'm taking that as a good luck omen that my meeting with the onocologist will go well this afternoon.
As you know, I've walked the one in San Diego with my team "Yes we can" and our motto "save 2nd base" (most of the team were sr. softball players--surprising how many people didn't know what 2nd base was/is). Anyway, it is the most amazing experience. You will be in awe of your fellow walkers, the incredible support team, and how empowering it is to know you can do it. I was given some great advice--you do not really know what your body, your equipment, etc., will do until you do 15 mile training walks. Very true. Its like something happens at that point--with your shoes--whatever, that you don't expect if you haven't done the training. Oh, and do lots and lots of hills. Of course, you don't ever half to walk anyplace you don't choose--the support vans are right there to take you up a hill, to the next pit stop, or back to camp. Absolutely amazing experience. I am SO proud of you all. And no, I'm not in. I can't bear to do the training again--it is so time consuming.