Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gearing up for the Big Day

I met earlier this week with Dr. Denise Norton and Dr. William Brown, who will be in charge of my surgeries on Monday, March 8.

Dr. Norton will perform the mastectomy, a one-hour surgery which includes a Sentinel Node Biopsy of several lymph nodes to get a definitive answer on whether the cancer has spread beyond the breast. If not, great news. If so, this will dictate a different course of post-surgery treatment by the oncologist.

Then Dr. Brown steps in to "put Humpty Dumpty back together again." He will perform a 4-5 hour procedure called a TRAM Flap (I know, it sounds like something related to NASCAR). This operation allows you to use your own body's muscle, fat and skin to reconstruct the breast. I like the idea of using my own tissue because an implant kind of creeps me out -- the thought of a foreign object being placed in my body. As my brother Jim would say, "I don't go for implants."

The body fat is taken, interestingly enough, from your stomach (goodbye muffin top!) and hooked up to to the blood supply of the breast and voila! -- they stitch you up and 3-5 days later you are released from the hospital. The recuperation from all of this is pretty major but I'll have my friend Ellen Chandra from California staying with me to help me through the first days.

Here's a video of the women who work at Dr. Brown's office. He is one of the most reknowned plastic surgeons in Denver so I'm putting my faith in him . . .

One question I've been pondering: Why is he called a plastic surgeon? I'm going to research that on the Internet to make sure they aren't planning to insert any Tupperware into my body.


  1. Hi Nancy,

    Been thinking about you quite a bit and wanted to let you know Simon De Montfort is on your side.


  2. Hi Nancy:

    You've been on my mind and in my prayers. I will especially be sending you positive thoughts on the 8th!

    Best, Laura Mealy

  3. Hi Nancy,
    Remember me, Lindsey, formerly of Colorado Allergy research?! I was talking to Kim a couple days ago and she told me the news. She forwarded on your blog, hope that's ok.

    Anyway, I'm sure that you've heard lots of stories, I can see that you have wonderful friends! But I see here that Dr. Brown, will be doing your reconstruction. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003, at the time she was about your age, and Dr. Brown was one of her doctors. She had a single mastectomy, with a silicone implant. She had the option of the TRAM flap, which I thought would be an awesome choice. However at the time, she had 2 young sons, 8 and 10, and was going through a divorce and didn't feel like she could devote the time to an extended recovery. I'm with you, using your own tissue is the way to go! Dr. Brown did a beautiful job. I met him on a couple of occasions, going with her to her appts, and he's not only a "reknowned plastic surgeon," but also a nice man.

    My aunt has been cancer free, since her initial diagnosis, she is a survivor. We walk every year for her, and the other special women in our lives, in the Komen Race for a Cure. Now, we'll walk for you too:)

    What I really want to say, is I wish you the best, you'll do great, you're a brave lady! Please tell Will and Andy hello, from me, I'm thinking about them too!

