For all of you Baby Boomers, I'm sure you remember the "old school" video game back in the late '70s called Pac-Man. There was a Pac-Man machine in just about every bar (not that I frequented the bars back then, my friends told me about it - NOT!)
Well, I have a new game that I play in my mind when I go to sleep at night. It's called "Cancer Pac-Man" - I envision those f---ing tumors in my body and picture the Pac-Man destroying them over and over.
My sons will tell you I'm not much of a computer game person nowadays but I must admit that back in the day I was pretty damn good at Pac-Man.
The reason why you excel at PacMan is because you need a sound strategy and you must anticipate your opponent's every move. A little swagger in your walk is also important. Eat 'em up Nancy, "the fight is not over until there is no more fight!" A high school basketball player said that last year. Her Dad was murdered at half-time during one of her games. That was her motto as she led her team to the State Championship.