Our "Cuticles, Cupcakes and Cosmos" fundraiser today was fantastic. The Pink Divas raised almost $1,400 in support of our Susan G. Komen 3Day Walk for the Cure!!!!
THANK YOU to everyone who came out today, and a special recognition to our donors and our hosts at Doorway 2 the Sole Salon in Cherry Creek for donating the manicurists' time and skills to make this day possible. Diane and her girls rock! Here are some highlights from the day, including Sadie (my dog) getting her first "pet"icure, and a few minutes later almost snitching a cupcake off the tower.
Our Awesome "Manicurists for the Cure" Patty, Diane, Suzanne, and Casey

Sadie Trying to Poach a Cupcake - Caught in the Act!

Sadie the "Canine Diva" getting her first "pet"icure

Our Youngest Client (Diva in Training)

Bet You Can't Eat Just One!

Bill's very first manicure . . . just goes to show it's never too late to start being a diva!

Needless to say, a good time was had by all and everyone ended up looking fab, although a few calories heavier after the cosmos and cupcakes. We are now $1,750 away from our fundraising goal. It so so graatifying to know that we've touched so many people, and best of all I met two more women today who were overdue on their mammograms, who have promised to schedule them.