I'm finalizing our trip plans . . . 35 days and counting. Itinerary as follows:
Will and I fly to Tokyo December 19 and stay at a Ryokan (Japanese B&B) for 4 nights,
www.sawanoya.com We're meeting my niece Laurie, her husband Phil, and their 2 year old daughter Sophia. I'm leaving the itinerary up to Laurie as she is the resident expert. So far Will has nixed the public baths - "No way I'm getting naked in front of a bunch of guys!"
On Christmas Eve we fly to Bangkok to meet up with Andy, who's been gone since August 16. We stay in Bangkok for 3 days and then off to Kanchanaburi, where the WWII movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" was filmed. We're staying at a floating hotel (no electricity or hot water),
http://www.riverkwaijunglerafts.com/activities.html Then to Chiang Mai for a few days, after which the boys will meet Kenn in Phuket and I will have 5 days on my own. I'm renting an apartment
http://www.vrbo.com/230714 I hope to take some Thai cooking classes, do an elephant trek in the jungle, and visit the Hill Tribe villages. Of course shopping for the local handicrafts and silk is on the agenda too!